We are delighted that four of our postdoctoral fellows are going on from Toronto to tenure-track jobs this year: Sosseh Assaturian to the University of Washington, Doug Campbell to Alma College, Michigan, Peter Osorio to the University of Maryland, and Thomas Slabon to the University of South Florida. We are extremely grateful for all that they brought to the ancient and medieval philosophy community here, and wish them well in their new jobs!
We a
re delighted to announce that Dr Rares Marinescu will be joining us as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow from September this year. Dr Marinescu has studied at London, Heidelberg, and Cambridge, where he received his PhD in 2022 for a thesis on Proclus on Aristotle on Plato. A Case Study on Motion. His research interests lie in metaphysics, philosophy of mind, philosophy of science and natural philosophy. He mainly works on Plato, Aristotle, and Neoplatonism and is particularly intrigued by the so-called ‘harmony’ between Plato and Aristotle.