
A New Translation of the Enneads by Plotinus, edited by Prof. Lloyd Gerson

by George Boys-Stones .

Professor Gerson, working with a team of scholars, served as editor and contributing translator for the first complete edition of the Enneads in English in over 75 years. The other translators were George Boys-Stones (University of Durham), John Dillon (Trinity College Dublin), R. A. H. King (Universität Bern, Switzerland), Andrew Smith (University College Dublin), and James Wilberding (Ruhr-Universität, Bochum, Germany). The new edition was based on the best available text, the editio minor of Henry and Schwyzer and its corrections. The volume was published by Cambridge University Press in December, 2017.

Congratulations to Jacob Stump!

by George Boys-Stones .

Congratulations to Dr. Jacob Stump, for the successful defense (June 2017) of his PhD thesis, “Socratic Method and Moral Motivation”, in the philosophy department. The members of his committee were Rachel Barney (supervisor), Brad Inwood, James Allen, and Tom Hurka. Jacob is currently a lecturer in the philosophy department at the University of Toronto. See his website for more information on his current teaching and research:

Congratulations to Prof. Rachel Barney

by Rachel Barney .

Prof. Rachel Barney has just been appointed Canada Research Chair in Ancient Philosophy, and received a nice letter from Justin Trudeau!

Congratulations to Robert Howton!

by Rachel Barney .

Congratulations to Dr. Robert Howton on the successful defense of his PhD thesis (accepted Nov. 9 2016),   “Aristotle’s Case for Perceptual Knowledge”, in the Philosophy Department, and to his Committee: Jennifer Whiting (supervisor), Brad Inwood, and Lloyd Gerson. Robbie is at present Visiting Lecturer in the Philosophy Dept. at the University of Pittsburgh.

Congratulations to Bryan Reece!

by Rachel Barney .

Congratulations to Dr. Bryan Reece, whose PhD thesis, “The Ontology, Etiology, and Moral Psychology of Action: Aristotle and Today”, was successfully defended in August this year. Bryan’s supervisor was Prof. Lloyd Gerson; other committee members were Brad Inwood and Philip Clark. This year Bryan is a Lecturer in the Philosophy Department at the University of Toronto, teaching courses on Aristotle, human nature, and early modern philosophy.

Congratulations to Nathan Gilbert

by Rachel Barney .

Congratulations to recent CPAMP graduate Nathan Gilbert, who will be a Junior Research Fellow at the University of Durham, U.K., starting in fall 2016! Nathan received his PhD from the Classics Department in 2015, for his dissertation, “Among Friends: Cicero and the Epicureans”.

Congratulations to Willie Costello

by Rachel Barney .

Willie Costello, a recent CPAMP graduate,  has been appointed a Mellon Postoctoral Fellow at Stanford University, a three-year position starting September 2015. Willie completed his PhD in the Philosophy Department in April, with his thesis “From causes to Forms: the Phaedo and the foundations of Platonic metaphysics”.

Congratulations to Willie Costello and Nathan Gilbert

by Rachel Barney .

Congratulations to Willie Costello and Nathan Gilbert on the successful defenses of their excellent dissertations this week. Well done Dr. Costello and Dr. Gilbert!! Willie Costello’s thesis is entitled “From Causes to Forms: the Phaedo and the Foundations of Platonic Metaphysics”. It was directed by Rachel Barney and the external examiner was Sarah Broadie (University of St. Andrews). Nathan Gilbert’s thesis “Among Friends: Cicero and the Epicureans” was supervised by Brad Inwood. Catherine Steel (University of Glasgow) took part in the defense as external examiner.

Conference at Cambridge on Abelard’s Logic

by Rachel Barney .

UntitledPeter King and Christopher Martin (University of Auckland, NZ), who recently spent a year at the University of Toronto as PIMS/CMS Distinguished Visiting Scholar, are organizing a conference on the later logical writings of the 12th-century philosopher Peter Abelard, concentrating on the Logica nostrorum petitioni sociorum and the Glossae secundum vocales. The conference takes place at Trinity College, Cambridge, UK from February 13 to 16, 2015. The programme includes presentations by Peter King, Christopher Martin, John Marenbon, Onno Knepkens, Klaus Jacobi, Sten Ebbesen, Catarina Tarlazzi, and Riccardo Strobini. Funding for this conference has been provided by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Collaborative Programme in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy at the University of Toronto, Trinity College in Cambridge University, and a research grant from the University of Auckland.