Events 2010-2011
Events 2010-2011
Friday, September 17
Matt Evans (New York University): “Making the Best of Plato’s Protagoras (on Theaetetus 151e-184b)”; JHB 418, 4-5pm
Friday, September 24 – Saturday, September 25
The University of Toronto Colloquium in Medieval Philosophy
Tuesday, October 5
David Charles (Oxford University): “Aristotle on Practical Knowledge”; JHB 418, 5-7pm
Thursday, October 21
John Marenbon (Trinity College, Cambridge): “The Problem of Paganism I: Peter Abelard and John of Salisbury”; Alumni Hall 400, 4-6pm
(Organized by the Centre for Medieval Studies)
Thursday, October 28
Dominik Perler (Humboldt University, Berlin): “Metaphysical Limits to Radical Doubts: Medieval Debates on Skeptical Hypotheses”; JHB 418, 5-7pm
Tuesday, November 2
M.M. McCabe (King’s College, London): “Look, see! Plato on moral vision”; JHB 100, 3-5pm
Wednesday, November 3
M.M. McCabe (King’s College, London): “Waving or drowning? Socrates and the sophists on self-knowledge in the Euthydemus“; LI 205, 4-6pm
Thursday, November 4
M.M. McCabe (King’s College, London): “Aristotle on Plato on knowing that I know“; JHB 418, 3-5pm
Saturday, November 13
Oxford Handbook of Medieval Philosophy Colloquium (This event was organized by the Centre for Medieval Studies and John Marenbon)
Contributors included: Andrew Arlig, Margaret Cameron, Christophe Erismann, Peter King, Taneli Kukkonen, John Marenbon, Chris Martin, Claude Panaccio, Paul Thom, Ian Wilks.
Tuesday, November 16
Stefan Schmid (Humboldt University, Berlin): “Finality without Final Causes – On Suarez’ Account of Natural Teleology”; JHB 418, 5-7pm
Wednesday, December 1
Devin Henry (University of Western Ontario): “Optimization and Teleology in Ancient Greek Science”; IHPST
(Jointly organized by the Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology and CPAMP)
Friday, December 3
John Marenbon (Trinity College, Cambridge): “The Problem of Paganism II: Dante on Boccaccio”; Alumni Hall 400, 4-6pm
(Organized by the Centre for Medieval Studies)
Friday, January 14
Richard Kraut (Northwestern University): “An Aesthetic Reading of Aristotle’s Ethics”; LI 220, 4-6pm
Thursday, February 17
Pieter Sjoerd Hasper (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich): “Between Perception and Scientific Knowledge: Aristotle’s Account of Experience”; JHB 418, 5-7pm
Friday, March 26 – Saturday, March 27
The Toronto Annual Workshop in Ancient Philosophy “Aspects of Aristotelian Ethics”
Session 1 (9:20-11:00): Dorothea Frede (UC Berkeley) “The Endoxon Mystique”; Commentator: Tim Clarke (Yale University)
Session 2 (11:20-1:00): Brooks Sommerville (University of Toronto) “Aristotle on Unqualified Akrasia and the Pleasures of Touch”; Commentator: Susan Meyer (University of Pennsylvania)
Session 3 (2:50-4:30): Jennifer Whiting (University of Toronto) “Life, pleasure and being active together (EE 7.12 and NE 9.9)”; Commentator: Brad Inwood (University of Toronto)
Session 4 (5:00-6:40): Sarah Broadie (St. Andrews) “Practical Truth in Aristotle”; Commentator: Ben Morison (Princeton University)
Session 5 (9:30-11:10): Iakovos Vasiliou (CUNY Graduate Centre) “Aristotle, Agents, and Actions”; Commentator: Juan Pineros (University of Toronto)
Session 6 (11:20-1:00): Daniel Russell (Wichita State University) “Aristotelian Virtue Theory: After the Person-Situation Debate’; Commentator: Emily Fletcher (University of Toronto)
Thursday, April 8
Philip Horky (Centre for Hellenic Studies) “Pythagorean Predication? Philolaus of Croton on Preexistence”; LI 205, 4-6pm