Events 2012-2013
Events 2012-2013
Thursday, September 13
Dominik Perler (Humboldt University, Berlin): “Suárez on Consciousness”; JHB 100, 3-5pm (This event will be followed by a beginning-of-the-year reception in JHB 100A)
Friday/Saturday, September 21/22
Thursday, September 27
George Boys-Stones (Durham University): “Platonism and the Metaphysics of Providence”; JHB 418, 3-5pm
Thursday, October 18
Susan Sauvé Meyer (University of Pennsylvania): “Virtue and Self-Mastery in Plato’s Laws”; JHB 418, 3-5pm
Friday, October 19
Susan Sauvé Meyer (University of Pennsylvania): “Aristotle on what is up to us”; JHB 418, 3-5pm
Sunday, November 11 and Monday, November 14
Workshop “Hylomorphism in Aristotle and Kant” (organized by Jennifer Whiting).
Speakers and commentators: Alessandro Bonello (University of Toronto), Jessica Gelber (Syracuse University), David Bronstein (Georgetown University), David Charles (Oxford University), Robert Howton (University of Toronto), Marko Malink (University of Chicago), Jennifer Whiting (University of Toronto), Aryeh Kosman (Haverford College), Hendrik Lorenz (Princeton University), Matthew Boyle (Harvard University), Stephan Schmid (Humboldt Universität Berlin), Ian Blecher (University of Pittsburgh), Stephen Engstrom (University of Pittsburgh), Kelin Emmett (University of Toronto), Ariel Zylberman (University of Toronto).
Friday, November 23
Richard Taylor (Marquette University): “Averroes on the Philosophical Account of Prophecy”; JHB 418, 1-3pm
Friday, March 1
Stefan Schick (University of Regensburg): “Boethius of Dacia and the Truth about Nonexistent Objects”; JHB 418, 3-5pm
Friday/Saturday/Sunday, March 15-17
Tuesday, March 26
Michael Griffin (University of British Columbia): “Commentary as Philosophy: The Neoplatonists’ Renewal of an Aristotelian Method”; JHB 418, 3-5pm
Monday, April 22
Gabor Betegh (CEU Budapest): “Pythagoreans and Orphics”; JHB 418, 3-5pm