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Start of Year WIP Talk: Rachel Barney

Welcome back, everyone! To celebrate the start of a new year, Rachel Barney will be presenting on "Becoming Bad" in Aristotle's ethics. There will be a start-of-year reception in the Classics Dept. lounge immediately following the talk.

Peter Adamson Seminar

Common Room, Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies 55 Queen's Park Cr., Toronto, ON

Prof. Peter Adamson (LMU Munich) will be presenting on "Nature in Giles of Rome's On Ecclesiastical Power", as the 2017 CPAMP distinguished visitor, in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the program. Note the special date and location.

Peter Adamson Seminar 2

Jackman Humanities Building, Room 418 170 St. George Street, Toronto, ON, Canada

Prof. Peter Adamson (LMU Munich) will be presenting on "The Thought-Experimental Method: Avicenna's Flying Man Argument", as the 2017 CPAMP distinguished visitor, in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the program. Note the special date and location.

25th Anniversary Public Lecture: Prof. Peter Adamson

Prof. Peter Adamson (LMU Munich) will be presenting on "Alexander and Averroes on the Uses of Dialectic", as the 2017 CPAMP distinguished visitor, in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the program. Note the special date and location.

Christopher Gill WIP Talk

Christopher Gill (Exeter) will be presenting in the CPAMP Work in Progress seminar, on the provocative question "What's So Great about Virtue? Stoic Thinking on Virtue and Happiness". All are welcome.

Doug Hutchinson WIP Talk

Doug Hutchinson (Toronto) will be presenting in the CPAMP Work in Progress series on. The title of the presentation is "Rediscovering Protagoras: 28 new fragments from his famous book”. All are welcome!

Sean Kelsey WIP Talk

Prof. Sean Kelsey (Notre Dame) will be presenting in CPAMP's Work in Progress seminar, on "Essence and Insight". All are welcome!

Visiting Speaker: Christian Pfeiffer

Jackman Humanities Building, Room 418 170 St. George Street, Toronto, ON, Canada

Christian Pfeiffer (LMU Munich) will give a presentation entitled, "Aristotle on the Definition of Hylomorphic Substances", as part of our visiting speaker series. Note that the presentation will be in JHB 418.

Visiting Speaker: Justin Vlasits

Jackman Humanities Building, Room 418 170 St. George Street, Toronto, ON, Canada

Justin Vlasits (University of Tübingen) is giving a presentation entitled, "Aristotle on the Hunt for Essence", as part of our visiting speaker series. Note that the talk will be in JHB 418.