CSAMP Proseminar: Ulysse Chaintreuil
CSAMP Proseminar: Ulysse Chaintreuil
Ulysse Chaintreuil (Philosophy, UTSC) will give a talk on 'Genus and Substance: The Ontological Status of Genus in Aristotle's Metaphysics Z and H'
Ulysse Chaintreuil (Philosophy, UTSC) will give a talk on 'Genus and Substance: The Ontological Status of Genus in Aristotle's Metaphysics Z and H'
Myrthe Bartels (Political Science) will talk on "The Benefits of Drunkenness in Plato's Laws"
The title of Christian Pfeiffer's presentation is: “Hylomorphic Composites are Defined like the Snub."
Rareș Ilie Marinescu (Classics) will give a paper on ''Laws X and the Formation of Platonist Theology''.