Rachel Barney will lead discussion on 'Protagoras and the History of Dialectic' . Optional preparatory reading: Plato’s Parmenides up to 130a and/or Diogenes Laertius IX.50-56
Join the Philosophy Department for a two-day workshop on the 16th-century Spanish priest, philosopher, and theologian Francisco Suárez (1548-1617). It will examine various aspects of Suárez’s philosophy, a scholastic philosopher working at the crossroads of late medieval and early modern philosophy. Jean-Pascal Anfray (École normale supérieure, Paris), "Suárez on matter, quantity and three kinds of […]
We welcome Simon Trépanier (Edinburgh University; PhD Toronto) back to give a talk on: The Unity of Empedocles' Thought: Re-Editing Section d of the Strasbourg Papyrus. Abstract. In this talk I will propose a new edition of section d of the Strasbourg papyrus of Empedocles’ poem On Nature, lines d 1-10 in particular. As was recognized […]