UTCMP 2012
The University of Toronto Colloquium in Mediaeval Philosophy 2012
Friday, September 21
Session I (3:15 – 5:15)
Chair: Gyongyi Hegedus (King’s University College, London, ON)
Speaker: Charles Manekin (University of Maryland): “Belief, Knowledge, and Scientia (‘True Knowledge’) in the Hebrew Aristotelian Tradition”
Commentator: Sarah Pessin (University of Denver)
Saturday, September 22
Session II (10:00 – 12:00)
Chair: Carlos Bazán (University of Ottawa)
Speaker: Eileen Sweeney (Boston College): “Albert the Great, Aquinas, and Bonaventure on Science”
Commentator: Edward Houser (University of St. Thomas, Houston)
Session III (2:00 – 4:00)
Chair: Brian Embry (University of Toronto)
Nate Bulthuis (Cornell University): “Walter Burley on the Language of Thought”
JT Paasch (Georgetown University): “Medieval Theories of Causal Powers”
Matthew Siebert (University of Toronto): “Second-Hand Knowledge”
Session IV (4:15 – 6:15)
Chair: Dominik Perler (Humboldt University, Berlin)
Speaker: Stephen Dumont (University of Notre Dame): “Intension and Remission of Forms: The Debate between Thomas Wylton and Walter Burley”
Commentator: Robert Pasnau (University of Colorado, Boulder)
All sessions will be held in Room 100 of the Jackman Humanities Building (170 St. George Street).
All sessions are free and open to the public.
Registration and inquiries: medieval_dot_philosophy_at_utoronto_dot_ca
The colloquium is sponsored by the Department of Philosophy, the Collaborative Program in Ancient and Medieval Studies, and the Centre for Medieval Studies.
Organizers: Deborah Black, Peter King, Martin Pickavé