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ATWAP 2018: New Approaches to the Presocratics
March 30, 2018 - March 31, 2018
This is the tenth Annual Toronto Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (ATWAP). The theme for this year’s workshop is ‘New Approaches to the Presocratics’. All sessions will be held in Room 100, Jackman Humanities Building, 170 St. George St. Toronto
Here is a draft of the workshop schedule:
10:00-12:00: André Laks (Universidad Panamericana) and Glenn Most (Chicago/Pisa): “Editing the Early Greek Philosophers: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow”
Lunch break
2:00-3:45: Tom Mackenzie (University College London): “Empedoclean Problems of the Self and the Function of the Daimonology”
Comments: Victoria Wohl (Toronto)
Coffee and timbits
4:00-5:45: Claire Louguet (Université de Lille III): “Tragedy and Philosophy: The Prometheus Bound and Parmenides”
Comments: Matthew Watton (Toronto)
Conference dinner
9:30-11:15 Mirjam Kotwick (The New School): “Allegoresis and Analogy in the Derveni Papyrus and the Hippocratic Text On Dreams (Vict. 4)”
Comments: Marion Durand (Toronto)
Coffee break
11:30-1:15 André Laks (Universidad Panamericana): “How Preplatonic Worlds Became Ensouled”
Comments: Brad Inwood (Yale)
Lunch break
2:15-4:00 Patricia Curd (Purdue University): “What Can Parmenides Know?”
Comments: Boris Hennig (Ryerson)
Coffee break
4:15-6:00 David Sider (NYU): “Repetitions in Empedocles”
Comments: Stephen Menn (McGill)
Conference dinner
Participation in the conference is free, but preregistration is required: contact Rachel Barney at rachel.barney@utoronto.ca or Roberto Granieri roberto.granieri@mail.utoronto.ca.