ATWAP 2016
Annual Toronto Workshop in Ancient Philosophy
March 11-12, 2016
Friday, March 11
2.30 – 2.45 Introductions
2.45-4.15 Frank Gonzalez (Ottawa): “Plato’s Perspectivism”
Interlocutor: Marina McCoy (Boston College). Chair: Tom Robinson (Toronto)
4.15-4.30 Break
4.30-6.00 Constance Meinwald (U. Illinois at Chicago): “What Do We Think We’re Doing?”
Interlocutor: Allan Silverman (Ohio State). Chair: Brooks Sommerville (Colgate)
Saturday, March 12
9.00-10.30 Kenneth Sayre (Notre Dame): “Dialectic in Plato’s Later Dialogues”
Interlocutor: Mark Johnstone (McMaster). Chair: Lloyd Gerson (Toronto)
10.30-10.45 Break
10.45-12.15 Melissa Lane (Princeton): “Antiarchia: Interpreting Plato’s Political Thought”
Interlocutor: David Ebrey (Northwestern). Chair: Martin Pickavé (Toronto)
12.15-2.00 Lunch
2.00-3.30 Michael Erler (Würzburg): “Elenctic Aporia and Performative Euporia: Literary Form and Philosophical Message” Interlocutor: Rachel Singpurwalla (Maryland). Chair: Rachel Barney (Toronto)
3.30-3.45 Break
3.45-5.15 François Renaud (Université de Moncton): “Drama and Argument in Plato” Interlocutor: Debra Nails (Michigan State). Chair: James Allen (Toronto)
5.15-6.00 Concluding Survey and General Discussion led by Tom Robinson (Toronto).