
Francisco Suárez: Philosopher at the Crossroads

by George Boys-Stones .

Join the Philosophy Department for a two-day workshop on the 16th-century Spanish priest, philosopher, and theologian Francisco Suárez (1548-1617). It will examine various aspects of Suárez’s philosophy, a scholastic philosopher working at the crossroads of late medieval and early modern philosophy.

  • Jean-Pascal Anfray (École normale supérieure, Paris), “Suárez on matter, quantity and three kinds of extension.”
  • Shane Duarte (University of Notre Dame), “Suárez, Extrinsic Denomination, and the Explicatio entis.”
  • Sydney Penner (Ashbury University), “Suárez on the Origin of Falsity.”
  • Kara Richardson (Syracuse University), “Suárez on Final Causality and Human Action.”
  • Tad Schmaltz (University of Michigan), “Was Suárez an Essentialist in Metaphysics?”
  • Cecilia Trifogli (Oxford University), “Suárez on Time.”

Find up-to-date details here.

3-year Postdoctoral Fellowship on offer!

by George Boys-Stones .

The Department of Classics at the University of Toronto is offering a three-year postdoctoral research fellowship in Ancient Philosophy, to begin as soon as possible after 1st September 2023. Apart from pursuing their own research, the successful candidate will be available for up to 6 hours per week to assist in the organization of activities associated with CSAMP. The Fellowship comes with a salary of CA$60,000 per annum. Some opportunity for paid teaching might also be available.

To be eligible, you must have received a PhD in a relevant field (from any Department or Programme), or have fulfilled all conditions for conferral (including final approval of any post-viva corrections), before June 1, 2023. You must have had no more than two years (or full-time equivalent) of postdoctoral research experience by September 1, 2023.

If you wish to be considered, please send a single pdf to the address below combining: your CV, contact details for at least two and no more than three referees, a writing sample no more than 10,000 words in length, and a description of plans for an original and substantial research project to be pursued during the Fellowship, in around 500 words. (Proposals to rework the results of doctoral or other previous research projects will not be considered.) Your email cover should briefly indicate how your interests complement existing strength in ancient philosophy at Toronto, and may offer any other information you consider relevant to your application (but note that quality of information will be preferred over quantity).

The deadline for receipt of applications is midnight (EST) June 16, 2023. Application materials, and any inquiries in the meantime, should be sent to the Dircetor of CSAMP, Prof. George Boys-Stones at


Iles-Johnston seminar

by George Boys-Stones .

As part of the 2020-21 UTM Annual Classics Seminar Series, Sarah Iles-Johnston (Ohio State University) will give a seminar on ‘Theory of Mind and Ancient Greek Religious Experience’, 1-4 pm on Friday, February 5, 2021. For all inquiries, please contact Martin Revermann (

Further details about the seminar series:

ATWAP: ‘Inheriting Plato: Then and Now’

by George Boys-Stones .

The Collaborative Specialization in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy  is pleased to announce that we plan to resume holding events in our series, the Annual Toronto Workshop in Ancient Philosophy, this October with the workshop “Inheriting Plato: Then and Now”.

Andrea Falcon: Masterclass and WiP Seminar

by George Boys-Stones .

On Monday, 19th October, Prof. Andrea Falcon (Concordia University) will be giving a masterclass as part of this term’s graduate seminar on Aristotelianism next Monday, as well as a presentation to the CPAMP Work-in-Progress Seminar.


The title for the Masterclass ( 10 a.m. – 12 Noon)  is “Aristotle and the Aristotelian Tradition are Not the Same Thing”, and he will be focusing on Alexander of Aphrodisias‘ discussion of two questions in particular: the nature of the intellect, and cardiocentrism. Recommended advance reading: Alexander, On the Soul pp. 80.16-92.11 and 94.7-100.7 (Bruns); Mantissa 2 (De Intellectu).


The title for the Work-in-Progress Seminar presentation (4 p.m – 6 p.m) is “Aristotle and the Explanation of Longevity”.


All U of T people are welcome to join in!



Spinoza-Leibniz Workshop

by Rachel Barney .

Friday, March 22nd

Spinoza – Leibniz Workshop

University of Toronto March 22-23, 2013

Jackman Humanities Building, Room 418 (170 St. George St.)


Karolina Hübner (Toronto): Opening remarks

2:15 – 3:45pm
Session I
Olli Koistinen (Turku): The infinite idea of God.

Commentator: Stephen Zylstra (Toronto)

4:15 – 5:45pm
Session II
Jeff McDonough (Harvard): Leibniz, Spinoza and an alleged dilemma for rationalists.

Commentator: Brian Embry (Toronto)

Saturday, March 23rd

Croft Chapel House, University College (15 King’s College Drive)

Session III
Charles Jarrett (Rutgers): Spinoza’s constructivism: some issues.

Commentator: Jon Miller (Queens) Lunch

1:30 – 3pm
Session IV
Adam Harmer (Toronto): Corporeal Substances and Composite Unities in Leibniz.

Commentator: Rick Arthur (McMaster)

Session V
3:30 – 5pm
Donald Rutherford (UC San Diego): Monadic Change.

Commentator: Stephan Schmid, (Humboldt)

Marleen Rozemond (Toronto): Concluding remarks.


Continue reading

Events 2011-2012

by Rachel Barney .

Events 2011-2012

Tuesday, September 20
David Sedley (Cambridge University): “Sphericity”; UC 179, 4-6pm (This event will be followed by a beginning-of-the-year reception.)
Wednesday, September 21
David Sedley (Cambridge University): “Socrates’ ‘Second Voyage’ at Plato, Phaedo 99d-102a”; LI 220, 4-6pm
Thursday, September 22
David Sedley (Cambridge University): “The unity of virtue in Plato after the Protagoras”; JHB 418, 3-5pm
Friday/Saturday, September 23/24
Friday, October 28
Paul Woodruff (University of Texas): “Eros at the Core of Philosophy”; JHB 418, 3-5pm
Friday, November 25
Philipp Brüllmann (Humboldt University Berlin): “Stoic Ethics and Accordance with Nature”; JHB 418, 3-5pm
Friday, December 2
Kara Richardson (Syracuse University): “Avicenna on Final Causation and Cognition”; JHB 401, 10-12pm
(This talk is organized by the Modern Philosophy Research Group and co-sponsored by the Collaborative Program.)
Wednesday, March 7
Jim Lennox (University of Pittsburgh): “Accentuate the Negative: A Puzzle about the Structure of Darwin’s Origin Solved”; IHPST, 5-7pm
(This talk is organized by the Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology and co-sponsored by the Collaborative Program.)
Thursday, March 8
Jim Lennox (University of Pittsburgh): “Why do we breathe? Aristotle on the hunt for final causes”; JHB 418, 5-7pm
(This talk is co-sponsored by the Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology.)
Friday, March 9
Iakovos Vasiliou (Graduate Center, CUNY): “Nous and its Objects in Aristotle”; LI 220, 2-4pm
Friday/Saturday/Sunday, March 16/17/18
Fourth Annual Toronto Workshop in Ancient Philosophy “Agency Amidst Natural Teleology”
Thursday, April 5
Rusty Jones (Harvard University): “Felix Socrates?”; JHB 418, 3-5pm
Friday, April 27
Mary Louise Gill (Brown University): “Knowledge as Expertise in Plato’s Theaetetus”; JHB 418, 4-6pm
Wednesday, May 30

Francesco Ademollo (University of Florence): “Plato’s Conception of Change: Some Remarks”; JHB 401, 1-3pm

Events 2010-2011

by Rachel Barney .

Events 2010-2011

Friday, September 17
Matt Evans (New York University): “Making the Best of Plato’s Protagoras (on Theaetetus 151e-184b)”; JHB 418, 4-5pm

Friday, September 24 – Saturday, September 25
The University of Toronto Colloquium in Medieval Philosophy

Tuesday, October 5
David Charles (Oxford University): “Aristotle on Practical Knowledge”; JHB 418, 5-7pm

Thursday, October 21
John Marenbon (Trinity College, Cambridge): “The Problem of Paganism I: Peter Abelard and John of Salisbury”; Alumni Hall 400, 4-6pm
(Organized by the Centre for Medieval Studies)

Thursday, October 28
Dominik Perler (Humboldt University, Berlin): “Metaphysical Limits to Radical Doubts: Medieval Debates on Skeptical Hypotheses”; JHB 418, 5-7pm

Tuesday, November 2
M.M. McCabe (King’s College, London): “Look, see! Plato on moral vision”; JHB 100, 3-5pm

Wednesday, November 3
M.M. McCabe (King’s College, London): “Waving or drowning? Socrates and the sophists on self-knowledge in the Euthydemus“; LI 205, 4-6pm

Thursday, November 4
M.M. McCabe (King’s College, London): “Aristotle on Plato on knowing that I know“; JHB 418, 3-5pm

Saturday, November 13
Oxford Handbook of Medieval Philosophy Colloquium (This event was organized by the Centre for Medieval Studies and John Marenbon)
Contributors included: Andrew Arlig, Margaret Cameron, Christophe Erismann, Peter King, Taneli Kukkonen, John Marenbon, Chris Martin, Claude Panaccio, Paul Thom, Ian Wilks.

Tuesday, November 16
Stefan Schmid (Humboldt University, Berlin): “Finality without Final Causes – On Suarez’ Account of Natural Teleology”; JHB 418, 5-7pm

Wednesday, December 1
Devin Henry (University of Western Ontario): “Optimization and Teleology in Ancient Greek Science”; IHPST
(Jointly organized by the Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology and CPAMP)

Friday, December 3
John Marenbon (Trinity College, Cambridge): “The Problem of Paganism II: Dante on Boccaccio”; Alumni Hall 400, 4-6pm
(Organized by the Centre for Medieval Studies)

Friday, January 14
Richard Kraut (Northwestern University): “An Aesthetic Reading of Aristotle’s Ethics”; LI 220, 4-6pm

Thursday, February 17
Pieter Sjoerd Hasper (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich): “Between Perception and Scientific Knowledge: Aristotle’s Account of Experience”; JHB 418, 5-7pm

Friday, March 26 – Saturday, March 27
The Toronto Annual Workshop in Ancient Philosophy “Aspects of Aristotelian Ethics”

Session 1 (9:20-11:00): Dorothea Frede (UC Berkeley) “The Endoxon Mystique”; Commentator: Tim Clarke (Yale University)
Session 2 (11:20-1:00): Brooks Sommerville (University of Toronto) “Aristotle on Unqualified Akrasia and the Pleasures of Touch”; Commentator: Susan Meyer (University of Pennsylvania)
Session 3 (2:50-4:30): Jennifer Whiting (University of Toronto) “Life, pleasure and being active together (EE 7.12 and NE 9.9)”; Commentator: Brad Inwood (University of Toronto)
Session 4 (5:00-6:40): Sarah Broadie (St. Andrews) “Practical Truth in Aristotle”; Commentator: Ben Morison (Princeton University)
Session 5 (9:30-11:10): Iakovos Vasiliou (CUNY Graduate Centre) “Aristotle, Agents, and Actions”; Commentator: Juan Pineros (University of Toronto)
Session 6 (11:20-1:00): Daniel Russell (Wichita State University) “Aristotelian Virtue Theory: After the Person-Situation Debate’; Commentator: Emily Fletcher (University of Toronto)

Thursday, April 8
Philip Horky (Centre for Hellenic Studies) “Pythagorean Predication? Philolaus of Croton on Preexistence”; LI 205, 4-6pm

Events 2009-2010

by Rachel Barney .

Events 2009-2010

Friday, September 11
Dominic Scott (University of Virginia): “Examples of rhetoric in Plato’s Phaedrus”; LI 205, 3-5pm

Thursday, September 17 – Saturday, September 19
The University of Toronto Colloquium in Medieval Philosophy “‘Things in the Mind’ – A Workshop on Medieval Cognitive Psychology”

Thursday, October 22
Claudio Moreschini (University of Pisa): “Apuleius philosophus Platonicus”; LI 205, 4:30-6pm

Friday, October 23
Claudio Moreschini (University of Pisa): “Hermetism in the Twelfth Century”; Alumni Hall 100, 4-6pm
(O’Donnell Lecture in Medieval Studies; organized by the Centre of Medieval Studies)

Thursday, November 5
John Cooper (Princeton University): “Aristotle and Philosophy as a Way of Life”; JHB 418, 4-6pm

Thursday, November 6
John Cooper (Princeton University): “The Stoic Way of Life”; Centre for Ethics, room 200, 3-5pm

Monday, November 9
George Rudebusch (Northern Arizona University): “Shooting in the dark: Socrates on the guilt of non-philosophers”; LI 301, 4-6pm

Wednesday, January 13
Sylvia Berryman (University of British Columbia): “How Many Philosophers Does it Take to Haul a Ship? Thoughts on the Philosophical Reception of Ancient Greek Mechanics”; VC 323, 4-6pm
(Jointly organized by the Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology and CPAMP)

Monday, March 9
Francesco Fronterotta (Università del Salento, Lecce): “Do the gods play dice? Sensible sequentialism and fuzzy logic in Plato’s Timaeus”; LI 301, 4-6pm

Thursday, March 11
Timothy Noone (Catholic University of America): “Of Angels and Men: sketches from high medieval epistemology”; Alumni Hall 400, 4-6pm
(Etienne Gilson Lecture; organized by the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies)

Friday, March 12
Timothy Noone (Catholic University of America): “Editing Scotus: Problems and Prospects”; LI 301, 4-6pm

Friday, March 26 – Sunday, March 28
The Toronto Annual Workshop in Ancient Philosophy “Perceiving ourselves (and one another) perceiving”