
UTCMP 2012

by Rachel Barney .

The University of Toronto Colloquium in Mediaeval Philosophy 2012

Friday, September 21

Session I (3:15 – 5:15)
Chair:  Gyongyi Hegedus (King’s University College, London, ON)
Speaker:  Charles Manekin (University of Maryland): “Belief, Knowledge, and Scientia (‘True Knowledge’) in the Hebrew Aristotelian Tradition”
Commentator:  Sarah Pessin (University of Denver)

Saturday, September 22

Session II (10:00 – 12:00)
Chair:  Carlos Bazán (University of Ottawa)
Speaker:  Eileen Sweeney (Boston College): “Albert the Great, Aquinas, and Bonaventure on Science”
Commentator:  Edward Houser (University of St. Thomas, Houston)

Session III (2:00 – 4:00)
Chair:  Brian Embry (University of Toronto)
Nate Bulthuis (Cornell University): “Walter Burley on the Language of Thought”
JT Paasch (Georgetown University): “Medieval Theories of Causal Powers”
Matthew Siebert (University of Toronto): “Second-Hand Knowledge”

Session IV (4:15 – 6:15)
Chair:  Dominik Perler (Humboldt University, Berlin)
Speaker:  Stephen Dumont (University of Notre Dame): “Intension and Remission of Forms: The Debate between Thomas Wylton and Walter Burley”
Commentator:  Robert Pasnau (University of Colorado, Boulder)

All sessions will be held in Room 100 of the Jackman Humanities Building (170 St. George Street).

All sessions are free and open to the public.

Registration and inquiries: medieval_dot_philosophy_at_utoronto_dot_ca

The colloquium is sponsored by the Department of Philosophy, the Collaborative Program in Ancient and Medieval Studies, and the Centre for Medieval Studies.

Organizers: Deborah Black, Peter King, Martin Pickavé

UTCMP 2011

by Rachel Barney .

The University of Toronto Colloquium in Mediaeval Philosophy 2011

Friday, September 23

Session I (4:30 – 6:30)
Chair:  Scott MacDonald (Cornell University)
Speaker:  Jennifer Ashworth (University of Waterloo): “Aquinas, Scotus and Others on Naming, Knowing, and the Origin of Language”
Commentator:  Giorgio Pini (Fordham University)

Saturday, September 24

Session II (10:00 – 12:00)
Chair:  Bob Sweetman (Institute for Christian Studies, Toronto)
Speaker:  Susan Brower-Toland (St. Louis University): “Medieval Approaches to Consciousness: Ockham and Chatton”
Commentator:  Richard Cross (University of Notre Dame)

Session III (2:00 – 4:00)
Chair: Matthew Siebert (University of Toronto)
Eric Hagedorn (University of Notre Dame): “Ockham’s Mental Language and the Dispute over the Subject of Scientia”
Jennifer Pelletier (Université du Québec à Montréal): “Metaphysics and the Categories in Ockham”
Rachel Bauder (University of Toronto): “Naming Caesar: Siger of Brabant on Proper Names”

Session IV (4:15 – 6:15)
Chair:  David Piché (Université de Montréal)
Speaker:  Jack Zupko (University of Winnipeg): “Contextualizing the Self-Knowledge Question in Later Medieval Philosophy”
Commentator:  Neil Lewis (Georgetown University)

All sessions will be held in room 100 of the Jackman Humanities Building (170 St. George Street).
All sessions are free and open to the public.
Registration and inquiries: medieval_dot_philosophy_at_utoronto_dot_ca

The colloquium is sponsored by the Department of Philosophy, the Collaborative Program in Ancient and Medieval Studies, and the Centre for Medieval Studies

Organizers: Deborah Black, Peter King, Martin Pickavé

UTCMP 2010

by Rachel Barney .

The University of Toronto Colloquium in Mediaeval Philosophy 2010

Friday, September 24

Session I (4:30-6:30)
Chair:  Julie Allen (York University)
Speaker:  John Marenbon (Cambridge University): “Abelard’s Semantics”
Commentator:  Andrew Arlig (Brooklyn College)

Saturday, September 25

Session II (10:00-12:00)
Chair:  Michael Barnwell (Niagara University)
Speaker:  Katherin Rogers (University of Delaware): “Anselm on the Ontological Status of Choice”
Commentator:  Scott MacDonald (Cornell University)

Session III (2:00-4:00)
Chair: Simona Vucu (University of Toronto)
Eduardo Záchia (University of Ottawa): “On Souls and Hands: Aquinas on the Psychophysical Relation”
Ian Drummond (University of Toronto): “Duns Scotus on the Role of the Moral Virtues”
Sydney Penner (Cornell University): “Francisco Suárez on Intending an End”

Session IV (4:15-6:15)
Chair:  Jorge J.E. Gracia (University of Buffalo)
Speaker:  Mark Henninger (Georgetown University): “Realism and Anti-Realism on Relations”
Commentator:  Charles Bolyard (James Madison University)

UTCMP 2009

by Rachel Barney .

The University of Toronto Colloquium in Mediaeval Philosophy 2009

“Things in the Mind” – A Workshop on Medieval Cognitive Psychology

Thursday, September 17

Session I  (3:00-6:30)
Chair: Peter Eardley (University of Guelph)
Giorgio Pini (Fordham University): “The Object of the Intellect”
Commentator: Aurélien Robert (CNRS, Tours)
Russ Friedman (Leuven University): “The Cognition of Singulars and Natures”

Friday, September 18

Session II  (9:00-12:15)
Chair: Carl Still (St. Thomas More College)
Martin Pickavé (University of Toronto): “Innate Knowledge”
Timothy Noone (Catholic University of America, Washington DC): “The Agent Intellect, Abstraction, and Illumination”
Commentator: Deborah Black (University of Toronto)

Session III  (3:00-7:00)
Chair: Deborah Black
Jenny Pelletier (Leuven University): “Vacillating between equivocity and univocity: William of Ockham’s concept of being and the categories”
Brendan Palla (Fordham University): “Some Late-Medieval Problems for Aquinas’s Account of the Will”
Mélanie Turcotte (Université du Québec à Montréal): “Sign Cognition in Aquinas’s Theory of Teaching”
Adam Wood (Fordham University): “Aquinas’s Arguments for the Soul’s Subsistence”
Peter Hartman (University of Toronto): “Durand of St.-Pourçain on the Cause of a Cognitive Act”

Saturday, September 19

Session IV  (9-12:30)
Chair: Antoine Côté (University of Ottawa)
Claude Panaccio (Université du Québec à Montréal): “Mental Language”
Commentator: Peter King (University of Toronto)
Laurent Cesalli (Université de Genève): “The Objects of Knowledge and Belief”
Commentator: Susan Brower-Toland (St. Louis University)

Session V  (2:30-4:00)
Chair: Nadja Germann (Loyola College)
Henrik Lagerlund (University of Western Ontario): “Error, Cognitive Failure, and the Process of Reasoning”
Commentator: Simona Vucu (University of Toronto)

UTCMP 2008

by Rachel Barney .

The University of Toronto Colloquium in Mediaeval Philosophy 2008

Friday, September 19

Session I (4:30-6:30)
Chair:  Christina Van Dyke (Calvin College)
Speaker:  Robert Pasnau (University of Colorado, Boulder): “The Scholastics and Secondary Qualities”
Commentator:  Jean-Luc Solère (Boston College)

Saturday, September 20

Session II (10:00-12:00)
Chair:  Kara Richardson (University of Syracuse)
Speaker:  Thérèse-Anne Druart (Catholic University of America): “Ibn Sina or Avicenna, and Duns Scotus”
Commentator:  Robert Wisnovsky (McGill University)

Session III (2:30-4:30)
Chair:  Jeffrey Brower (Purdue University)
Speaker:  Cecilia Trifogli (All Souls College, University of Oxford): “Thomas Wylton on Final Causality”
Commentator:  Edith Sylla (North Carolina State University)

UTCMP 2005-2007

by Rachel Barney .

The University of Toronto Colloquium in Mediaeval Philosophy 2005

Friday, September 23

Session I  (4:30-6:30)
Chair: Jennifer Ashworth (University of Waterloo)
Speaker: Scott MacDonald (Cornell University): “Aquinas on Prudence: From Personal Virtue to Natural Law”
Commentator: Thomas Williams (University of Southern Florida)

Saturday, September 24

Session II  (10:00-12:00)
Chair: Robert Pasnau (University of Colorado, Boulder)
Speaker: Richard Cross (Oxford University): “Scotus on Substance and Identity”
Commentator: Timothy Noone (Catholic University of America)

Session III  (2:30-4:30)
Chair: Jack Zupko (Emory University)
Speaker: Claude Panaccio (Université de Québec à Montréal): “Ockham on Conceptual Similitudes”
Commentator: Gyula Klima (Fordham University)


The University of Toronto Colloquium in Mediaeval Philosophy 2006

Friday, September 22

Session I  (4:30-6:30)
Chair:  Stephen Dumont (University of Notre Dame)
Speaker:  Hester Gelber (Stanford University): “The Fate of Providence”
Commentator:  Neil Lewis (Georgetown University)
Saturday, September 23
Session II  (10:00-12:00)
Chair:  Robert Wisnowsky (McGill University)
Speaker:  Peter Adamson (King’s College, London): “The Baghdad Peripatetics on Knowledge of Universals”
Commentator:  Richard Taylor (Marquette University)
Session III  (2:30-4:30)
Chair: Jorge J.E. Gracia (SUNY Buffalo)
Speaker:  Gareth Matthews (University of Massachusetts, Amherst): “On the Very Idea of Infused Virtue”
Commentator:  Eleonore Stump (St. Louis University)

The University of Toronto Colloquium in Mediaeval Philosophy 2007

Friday, September 28

Session I  (4:30-6:30)
Chair:  Peter Eardley (University of Guelph)
Speaker:  Bonnie Kent (University of California, Irvine): “Is Aristotle’s Ethics Circular? A Fourteenth-Century Debate”
Commentator: Jeff Hause (Creighton University)

Saturday, September 29

Session II  (10:00-12:00)Chair:  Jon McGinnis (University of Missouri, St. Louis)
Speaker:  Alfred Ivry (New York University): “The Limits of Knowledge in Medieval Islamic and Jewish Philosophy: Claims and Counter Claims”
Commentator:  Carlos Fraenkel (McGill University)

Session III  (2:30-4:30)
Chair:  Michael Gorman (Catholic University of America)
Speaker:  Brian Leftow (Oriel College, University of Oxford): “Aquinas, Divine Freedom and Divine Simplicity”
Commentator:  Antoine Côté (University of Ottawa)