Ancient Political Philosophy Workshop
April 11, 2025 - April 12, 2025
Friday, 11 April
9:30-9:40: Welcome, Acknowledgements & Introduction
Session 1 | Chair: Myrthe Bartels
9:40-11:00 Tae-Yeoun Keum (UC Santa Barbara): “Plato the Taboo-Breaker: Mythological Incest and Cannibalism in the Republic and Laws”
11:00-12:15 Ryan Balot (Toronto): “Platonic Protreptic and Athenian Democracy”
12:30-13:30: Lunch break (lunch served in Vipond room)
Session 2 | Chair: Jason Singer
13:30-14:45 Rachel Wagner (Toronto): “Grasping for More: Psychic Consequences of the Human Body in Thucydides’ Peloponnesian War”
14:45-16:00 Stephen Peprah (Toronto): “Two Senses of Morality in Socrates’ Defence of Justice”
16:00-16:15 Coffee break
16:15-17:30 Merrick Anderson (USC Dornseife): “Plato, The ‘Rags to Riches Observation’, and his Final Response to the Appeal of Injustice”
Saturday, 12 April
Session 3 | Chair: Victoria Wohl
10:00-11:15 Kat Furtado (Toronto): “Communities of Conflict in Heraclitus”
11:15-12:30 Myrthe Bartels (Toronto): “Plato’s Crito on Commitment to the Common Good”
12:45-14:00 Lunch break (lunch served in Vipond room)
Session 4 | Chair: Stephen Peprah
14:00-15:15 Max Morris (Toronto): “The Reformation and Limits of Divine Law: Books I‒III of Plato’s Laws”
15:15-15:30: Coffee break
15:30-16:45 Rachel Barney (Toronto): “Knowledge, Techne, and the Guardians in Plato’s Republic”
No registration is required. All sessions will be held in the Robert C. Vipond Seminar room (SS 3130) in the Department of Political Science (Sidney Smith Hall, 100 St. George Street). Funded by: The Bloom Fund; The Canada Research Chair in Ancient Philosophy; The Collaborative Specialization in Ancient Philosophy (CSAMP); The Department of Political Science