CSAMP Proseminar: Rachel Barney
Lillian Massey Building, Room 301 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, CanadaProf. Barney will talk on Protagoras and the Measure Thesis.
Prof. Barney will talk on Protagoras and the Measure Thesis.
Friday, 11 April 9:30-9:40: Welcome, Acknowledgements & Introduction Session 1 | Chair: Myrthe Bartels 9:40-11:00 Tae-Yeoun Keum (UC Santa Barbara): “Plato the Taboo-Breaker: Mythological Incest and Cannibalism in the Republic and […]
Aristotle’s Parva Naturalia FRIDAY, APRIL 25 Session I (2:15 – 3:45pm) Chair: Christian Pfeiffer (Toronto) Klaus Corcilius (Tübingen) “The Soul Itself vs. Common to Body and Soul” Commentator: Brad Inwood […]
The third annual Toronto-Torino reading week will be hosted at the British School at Athens, timed to coincide with the Michael Frede Lecture, which this year will be given by […]