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CSAMP Proseminar: Jacob Klein (Colgate)

Lillian Massey Building, Room 301 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

"Hupolêpsis and Hormê: The Stoic Theory of Motivation."

CSAMP Proseminar: Peter King

Lillian Massey Building, Room 301 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

"Augustine on Pulling the Trigger." ABSTRACT. The main philosophical puzzle in Confessions 8 is how someone can want to do something but nevertheless fail to do it. This is, I […]

Craft and Nature in Plato and Aristotle (Workshop)

Program Thursday, 6 March 2.00-3.15 Mary L. Gill (Brown): Craft and Causation in Aristotle’s Theory of Soul Response by Rareş I. Marinescu (Toronto) 3.15-4.30 Caleb Cohoe (Denver): An Internal Light, […]

Ancient Political Philosophy (Workshop)

Robert C Vipond Seminar Room (SS 3130) 100 St George Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

This interdisciplinary workshop brings together faculty, postdocs and graduate students working on themes in ancient political philosophy from the Departments of Political Science, Philosophy and Classics to share work-in-progress. Speakers […]

Annual Toronto Workshop in Ancient Philosophy 2025

Jackman Humanities Building, Room 100 170 St. George Street, Toronto, ON, Canada

Aristotle’s Parva Naturalia FRIDAY, APRIL 25  Session I (2:15 – 3:45pm) Chair: Christian Pfeiffer (Toronto) Klaus Corcilius (Tübingen) “The Soul Itself vs. Common to Body and Soul” Commentator: Brad Inwood […]

Athens Reading Week

British School at Athens 52 Souedias Street, Athens, Greece

The third annual Toronto-Torino reading week will be hosted at the British School at Athens, timed to coincide with the Michael Frede Lecture, which this year will be given by […]