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Riccardo Strobino (Tufts University), Recalibrating the Scale of Logic: Avicenna on the Canon of Scientific Reasoning

Lillian Massey Building, Great Hall (3rd floor) 125 Queens Park, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

This is an upcoming job talk for the open position in Classical Islamic Philosophy. For more information about the speaker see: The talk will also be accessible via Zoom:

Philosophy in Early Christian Texts (ATWAP 2024)

Lillian Massey Building, Great Hall (3rd floor) 125 Queens Park, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Programme (updated) Friday, March 8 Chair: Joseph Gerbasi 9:30  Anna Marmodoro (Durham), Augustine on Creation 11:00 Gretchen Reydams-Schils (Notre Dame), Augustine’s De Ordine -- lunch -- Chair: Lloyd Gerson 3:00 Stephen Menn (McGill / Berlin), Plotinus, Victorinus, Augustine 4:30 Sarah Byers (Boston College), Trinitarian metaphysics in the Confessions: Marius Victorinus and the Neoplatonic triad ‘being, […]

Olga Lizzini (Université Aix-Marseille), Being and Non-being: Motifs of Avicenna’s Ontology

Lillian Massey Building, Great Hall (3rd floor) 125 Queens Park, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

This is an upcoming job talk for the open position in Classical Islamic Philosophy. For more information about the speaker see: The talk will also be accessible via Zoom:

Masterclass on Epictetus with Wolfgang Mann (Columbia)

NF113 Northrop Frye Hall, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

All welcome! Prof. Mann will discuss Arrian's prefatory letter to his edition of Epictetus, and Discourses 1.1. Materials are available here (UofT users only: others who expect to attend and would like access, please contact

Recent Work on Aristotle’s De Anima

Saturday, April 20 9:30-11:30 Léa Derome, “The Perceptual Mean of DA II 11” With comments by Alexander de Guzman 11:45-1:15 Mark A. Johnstone, “Aristotle and the Primary/Secondary Quality Distinction” 2:30-4:30 Ashley Attwood, “Mapping Out the Philosophical Landscape: The Task of De anima 1.2” With comments by Faisal Bhabha 4:45-6:15 Jessica Gelber and Emily Kress, “Living, […]

Athens Summer Reading Group in Greek Philosophy

We are running another residential Greek philosophy reading group in Athens this summer, along with our friends from Turin. Current CSAMP PhD students have priority for places. Our text will be Aristotle, De Caelo 1. As last year, we will be based in the British School at Athens, from 27th May - 1st June 2024 […]

Workshop: Platonist Discourses on Dualism. 1st c. BC to 3rd c. AD

Lillian Massey Building, Room 205 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

Since at least Plato dualism – the idea that there are two distinct types of reality that possibly have different origins – is a central topic of philosophy where it is addressed from a wide range of perspectives: metaphysics, psychology, epistemology, and ethics. In the Imperial Age (27 BC – AD 284) this issue is […]

CSAMP Proseminar: Jon McGinnis

Lillian Massey Building, Room 205 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

Jon McGinnis (Philosophy / CMS) will talk on "Just Justification: Justifying Religious Beliefs in Classical Islam". This talk will be followed by our annual Welcome Back party in the Duke of York, to which all members of CSAMP and everyone attending the paper is invited!

CSAMP Proseminar: Klaus Corcilius (Tübingen)

Lillian Massey Building, Room 205 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

Klaus Corcilius will be visiting us from Tübingen to talk on "Aristotle on the Essence of Human Thought"

Masterclass with Klaus Corcilius

Jackman Humanities Building, Room 401 170 St George St, Toronto, ON, Canada

Professor Klaus Corcilius will hold a masterclass on “Hylomorphism and the Causal Role of the Soul in Aristotle". Graduate students are particularly invited! The class will involve a discussion of the following texts: De anima 2.1-3 De somno 2 De motu animalium, especially chapter 11 Physics 7.2, 8.6

University of Toronto Colloquium in Medieval Philosophy 2024

Jackman Humanities Building, Room 100 170 St. George Street, Toronto, ON, Canada

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 Session I (4:30 – 6:30) Chair: Giorgio Pini (Fordham University) Can Laurens Löwe (Saint Louis University): “William Crathorn on the Relation between a Power and Its Manifestation” Commentator: Susan Brower-Toland (Saint Louis University) SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 Session II (10:00 – 12:00) Chair: Jon McGinnis (University of Toronto) Cristina Cerami (CNRS, Paris): “Al-Fārābī […]

CSAMP Proseminar: Tommaso De Robertis

Lillian Massey Building, Room 205 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

Tommaso De Robertis will give a presentation on "Aristotle on topos."

CSAMP Proseminar: Alison Keith

Lillian Massey Building, Room 205 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

Alison Keith (Classics / JHI) will talk on 'Philodemos and the Roman Elegists'.

CSAMP Proseminar: Brooke Holmes (Princeton)

Lillian Massey Building, Room 205 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

We are delighted to welcome Brooke Holmes, visiting from Princeton University, who will talk on "Aristotle’s Oecology".

CSAMP Proseminar: Ismael Kettani

Lillian Massey Building, Room 205 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

Ismael will address "Alexander of Aphrodisias on Dialectic and the Principles of Science".

CSAMP Proseminar: Ulysse Chaintreuil

Lillian Massey Building, Room 205 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

Ulysse Chaintreuil (Philosophy, UTSC) will give a talk on 'Genus and Substance: The Ontological Status of Genus in Aristotle's Metaphysics Z and H'

CSAMP Proseminar: Myrthe Bartels

Lillian Massey Building, Room 205 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

Myrthe Bartels (Political Science) will talk on "The Benefits of Drunkenness in Plato's Laws"

CSAMP Proseminar: Christian Pfeiffer

Lillian Massey Building, Room 205 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

The title of Christian Pfeiffer's presentation is: “Hylomorphic Composites are Defined like the Snub."

CSAMP Proseminar: Rareș Ilie Marinescu

Lillian Massey Building, Room 205 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

Rareș Ilie Marinescu (Classics) will give a paper on ''Laws X and the Formation of Platonist Theology''.

CSAMP Proseminar: Emily Perry (Concordia)

Lillian Massey Building, Room 205 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

Emily Perry, visiting from Concordia University, will talk about 'Aristotle on Nature as a Generative Principle' .

CSAMP Proseminar: Joseph Gerbasi

Lillian Massey Building, Room 301 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

Joseph Gerbasi (Classics, UofT) will talk about 'Leontius the Philosopher (Republic 439a-440a)'.

CSAMP Proseminar: Paolo Crivelli (Geneva)

Lillian Massey Building, Room 301 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

"Aristotle’s Strategy for a Defence of the Principle of Non-Contradiction"

CSAMP Proseminar: Léo Melançon-Thibault

Lillian Massey Building, Room 301 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

Presentation title: "Peter Auriol on the Metaphysics of Political Power." (Note - this is a change from the previously advertised title.)

CSAMP Proseminar: Andrew Summerson

Lillian Massey Building, Room 301 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

Title: "Harmonizing the Areopagite: Reading and Reception of the Dionysian Corpus in Late Antique Christianity." Abstract: This paper explores how Maximus the Confessor deployed strategies from the Neoplatonic commentary tradition  to incorporate the shadowy figure of Dionysius the Areopagite into Christian intellectual vernacular.

Philoponus: Texts, Contexts, Reception (Colloquium)

Lillian Massey Building, Room 301 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

A colloquium on John Philoponus organised by Tommaso De Robertis and John Magee. You can attend in person or by Zoom: please use this link to find out more and register