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WIP Talk: George Boys-Stones

Lillian Massey Building, Room 301 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

We’ll kick off the new year with a work-in-progress talk from new CPAMP faculty member George Boys-Stones, titled "Cosmic Order without 'Species Form': Evidence for a Debate in the Aristotelian De Mundo and its Platonist 'Translation'." The talk will be followed by a welcome back reception in the Classics lounge next door.

UTCMP 2019

Jackman Humanities Building, Room 100 170 St. George Street, Toronto, ON, Canada

Please join us for the 2019 University of Toronto Colloquium in Medieval Philosophy, organized by Deborah Black, Peter King, and Martin Pickavé. All sessions are free and open to the public and will be held in Room 100 of the Jackman Humanities Building. Conference Schedule Friday, September 20 Session I (4:30 – 6:30) Chair: Therese […]

WIP Talk: Allison Piñeros Glasscock

Lillian Massey Building, Room 301 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

Allison Piñeros Glasscock will give a presentation to the CPAMP Work-in-Progress seminar, titled: "Stoic Self-Sufficiency and Seneca on Benefaction" Abstract: In his treatise On Benefits, Seneca provides an analysis of benefaction according to which successful benefaction requires the mutual exchange of good intentions by benefactor and beneficiary. Seneca’s analysis conflicts with the Stoic thesis that […]

WIP Talk: Matt Watton

Lillian Massey Building, Room 301 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

Please join us as Matt Watton (CPAMP graduate student, Classics) gives a presentation to the CPAMP Work-in-Progress seminar, titled: "Cicero, Plato, and the Sufficiency of Virtue for Happiness" Abstract: The fifth book of Cicero’s Tusculan Disputations (TD) explores the sufficiency of virtue for happiness. Both the Stoics and Antiochus of Ascalon held that virtue is […]

WIP Talk: Anna Corrias

Lillian Massey Building, Room 301 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

Please join us as Anna Corrias (Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Toronto) gives a presentation to the CPAMP Work-in-Progress seminar, titled: "Potential to What? Marsilio Ficino, Theophrastus, and the Platonic Aristotle" Abstract: The humanist philosopher Marsilio Ficino (1433–1499) is well known for being the translator of the entire Platonic corpus, Plotinus’s Enneads, and some other late […]

WIP Talk: Sukaina Hirji

Lillian Massey Building, Room 205 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

Please join us as Sukaina Hirji (University of Pennsylvania) gives a presentation to the CPAMP Work-in-Progress seminar, titled "How Virtue is a Means to Contemplation". Abstract: In a number of passages in the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle seems to suggest that ethical virtue is an instrumental means to contemplation. But, as many scholars have worried, this […]

WIP Talk: Joseph Gerbasi

Lillian Massey Building, Room 205 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

Please join us as Joseph Gerbasi (CPAMP graduate student, Classics) gives a presentation to the CPAMP Work-in-Progress seminar.

WIP Talk: Dimitri El Murr

Lillian Massey Building, Room 205 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

Please join us as Dimitri El Murr (École Normale Supérieure) gives a presentation to the CPAMP Work-in-Progress seminar, titled "Plato, Aristotle, or both? The division of practical philosophy in Alexandrian Platonism".

Seminar: Dimitri El Murr

Jackman Humanities Building, Room 401 170 St George St, Toronto, ON, Canada

Please join us as Dimitri El Murr (École Normale Supérieure) leads a graduate seminar for CPAMP students on "Platonic Zoology: Plt. 264a-266e and Tim. 90e-92c".

ATWAP 2020 (Cancelled)

***Event cancelled*** The twelfth Annual Toronto Workshop in Ancient Philosophy will take place on March 20 & 21, 2020. For the latest details, please check our ATWAP page.

WIP Talk: Roberto Granieri (Cancelled)

Lillian Massey Building, Room 205 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

***Event cancelled*** Please join us as Roberto Granieri (CPAMP graduate student, Philosophy) gives a presentation to the CPAMP Work-in-Progress seminar.

WIP Talk: Victor Caston (Cancelled)

Lillian Massey Building, Room 205 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

***Event cancelled*** Please join us as Victor Caston (University of Michigan) gives a presentation to the CPAMP Work-in-Progress seminar.

WIP Talk: Juan Piñeros Glasscock

Lillian Massey Building, Room 205 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

Please join us as Juan Piñeros Glasscock (Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Toronto Mississauga) gives a presentation to the CPAMP Work-in-Progress seminar.

WIP Talk: Fiona Leigh

Please join us as Fiona Leigh (UCL) gives a presentation to the CPAMP Work-in-Progress seminar. Her talk is entitled "Between a Wolf and a Dog: Socrates and Sophistry in the Sophist."

WIP Talk: Andrea Falcon

Please join us as Andrea Falcon (Concordia University) gives a presentation to the CPAMP Work-in-Progress seminar on "Aristotle and the Explanation of Longevity".

WIP Talk: Roberto Granieri

Please join us as one of our favourite graduate students, Roberto Granieri, gives his work-in-progress talk in the CPAMP seminar. Title: "Being, Causality, and Existence in Plato's Sophist".

WIP Talk: Irene Binini

Please join us as Irene Binini (Scuola Normale Superiore) gives a work-in-progress talk to the CPAMP seminar. Title: "Medieval Strategies on Logical Determinism and the Contingency of the Future."  

Workshop on Apuleius’ De Mundo

On 9-11 December, 2021, CSAMP will host a workshop devoted to Apuleius' De Mundo, organised by George Boys-Stones. The workshop will be open to all. For further details, including information on how to register, please consult the event's continuously updated website:  

WiP Talk: Samuel Meister – TBA

Samuel Meister gives his work-in-progress talk, “What Does Metaphysics Z Contribute to Aristotle's First Philosophy?”, to the CSAMP Proseminar on February 28, 4-6 pm.