WiP Talk: Samuel Meister – TBA
WiP Talk: Samuel Meister – TBA
Samuel Meister gives his work-in-progress talk, “What Does Metaphysics Z Contribute to Aristotle's First Philosophy?”, to the CSAMP Proseminar on February 28, 4-6 pm.
Samuel Meister gives his work-in-progress talk, “What Does Metaphysics Z Contribute to Aristotle's First Philosophy?”, to the CSAMP Proseminar on February 28, 4-6 pm.
The next Annual Toronto Workshop in Ancient Philosophy will take place on March 18-19, 2022. If, during the conference, you need help with Zoom, etc., please contact Rachel O’Keefe: rachel.mackinnon@mail.utoronto.ca. She will be monitoring Zoom, and the Zoom room belongs to her. ATWAP 2022 Receiving Plato: Then and Now A Conference in Honour of […]
Prof. Federico Petrucci (Turin University) will be leading a masterclass on Plato’s Phaedrus, primarily intended for CSAMP graduate students, on Tuesday, March 22, 4-6 p.m. in LI 205. All CSAMP graduates and postdocs are welcome / encouraged to take part (others by request to george.boys.stones@utoronto.ca). The class will focus on close reading of 237a-241d (Socrates’ […]