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CSAMP Proseminar: Alison Keith

Lillian Massey Building, Room 205 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

Alison Keith (Classics / JHI) will talk on 'Philodemos and the Roman Elegists'.

CSAMP Proseminar: Brooke Holmes (Princeton)

Lillian Massey Building, Room 205 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

We are delighted to welcome Brooke Holmes, visiting from Princeton University, who will talk on "Aristotle’s Oecology".

CSAMP Proseminar: Ismael Kettani

Lillian Massey Building, Room 205 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

Ismael will address "Alexander of Aphrodisias on Dialectic and the Principles of Science".

CSAMP Proseminar: Ulysse Chaintreuil

Lillian Massey Building, Room 205 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

Ulysse Chaintreuil (Philosophy, UTSC) will give a talk on 'Genus and Substance: The Ontological Status of Genus in Aristotle's Metaphysics Z and H'

CSAMP Proseminar: Myrthe Bartels

Lillian Massey Building, Room 205 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

Myrthe Bartels (Political Science) will talk on "The Benefits of Drunkenness in Plato's Laws"

CSAMP Proseminar: Christian Pfeiffer

Lillian Massey Building, Room 205 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

The title of Christian Pfeiffer's presentation is: “Hylomorphic Composites are Defined like the Snub."

CSAMP Proseminar: Rareș Ilie Marinescu

Lillian Massey Building, Room 205 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

Rareș Ilie Marinescu (Classics) will give a paper on ''Laws X and the Formation of Platonist Theology''.

CSAMP Proseminar: Emily Perry (Concordia)

Lillian Massey Building, Room 205 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

Emily Perry, visiting from Concordia University, will talk about 'Aristotle on Nature as a Generative Principle' .

CSAMP Proseminar: Joseph Gerbasi

Lillian Massey Building, Room 301 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

Joseph Gerbasi (Classics, UofT) will talk about 'Leontius the Philosopher (Republic 439a-440a)'.

CSAMP Proseminar: Paolo Crivelli (Geneva)

Lillian Massey Building, Room 301 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

"Aristotle’s Strategy for a Defence of the Principle of Non-Contradiction"

CSAMP Proseminar: Léo Melançon-Thibault

Lillian Massey Building, Room 301 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

Presentation title: "Peter Auriol on the Metaphysics of Political Power." (Note - this is a change from the previously advertised title.)

CSAMP Proseminar: Andrew Summerson

Lillian Massey Building, Room 301 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

Title: "Harmonizing the Areopagite: Reading and Reception of the Dionysian Corpus in Late Antique Christianity." Abstract: This paper explores how Maximus the Confessor deployed strategies from the Neoplatonic commentary tradition  […]

Philoponus: Texts, Contexts, Reception (Colloquium)

Lillian Massey Building, Room 301 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

A colloquium on John Philoponus organised by Tommaso De Robertis and John Magee. You can attend in person or by Zoom: please use this link to find out more and […]

CSAMP Proseminar: Jacob Klein (Colgate)

Lillian Massey Building, Room 301 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

"Hupolêpsis and Hormê: The Stoic Theory of Motivation."

CSAMP Proseminar: Peter King

Lillian Massey Building, Room 301 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

"Augustine on Pulling the Trigger." ABSTRACT. The main philosophical puzzle in Confessions 8 is how someone can want to do something but nevertheless fail to do it. This is, I […]

Craft and Nature in Plato and Aristotle (Workshop)

Program Thursday, 6 March 2.00-3.15 Mary-Louise Gill (Brown): Craft and Causation in Aristotle’s Theory of Soul Response by Rareş I. Marinescu (Toronto) 3.15-4.30 Caleb Cohoe (Denver): An Internal Light, Not […]

CSAMP Proseminar: Reza Hadisi

Lillian Massey Building, Room 301 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, Canada

"Conception and Assent in Post-Classical Arabic Philosophy."

Ancient Political Philosophy Workshop

Robert C Vipond Seminar Room (SS 3130) 100 St George Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Friday, 11 April 9:30-9:40: Welcome, Acknowledgements & Introduction Session 1 | Chair: Myrthe Bartels 9:40-11:00 Tae-Yeoun Keum (UC Santa Barbara): “Plato the Taboo-Breaker: Mythological Incest and Cannibalism in the Republic and […]

Annual Toronto Workshop in Ancient Philosophy 2025

Jackman Humanities Building, Room 100 170 St. George Street, Toronto, ON, Canada

Aristotle’s Parva Naturalia FRIDAY, APRIL 25  Session I (2:15 – 3:45pm) Chair: Christian Pfeiffer (Toronto) Klaus Corcilius (Tübingen) “The Soul Itself vs. Common to Body and Soul” Commentator: Brad Inwood […]

Athens Reading Week

British School at Athens 52 Souedias Street, Athens, Greece

The third annual Toronto-Torino reading week will be hosted at the British School at Athens, timed to coincide with the Michael Frede Lecture, which this year will be given by […]