CSAMP Proseminar: Rareș Ilie Marinescu
Lillian Massey Building, Room 205 125 Queens Park, Toronto, ON, CanadaRareș Ilie Marinescu (Classics) will give a paper on ''Laws X and the Formation of Platonist Theology''.
Rareș Ilie Marinescu (Classics) will give a paper on ''Laws X and the Formation of Platonist Theology''.
Emily Perry, visiting from Concordia University, will talk about 'Aristotle on Nature as a Generative Principle' .
Joseph Gerbasi (Classics, UofT) will talk about 'Leontius the Philosopher (Republic 439a-440a)'.
"Aristotle’s Strategy for a Defence of the Principle of Non-Contradiction"
Title: "Plato on Political Corruption".
Presentation title: "Peter Auriol on the Metaphysics of Political Power." (Note - this is a change from the previously advertised title.)
"Resemblance and the Role of Forms in Plato’s Timaeus."
Title: "Harmonizing the Areopagite: Reading and Reception of the Dionysian Corpus in Late Antique Christianity." Abstract: This paper explores how Maximus the Confessor deployed strategies from the Neoplatonic commentary tradition […]
A colloquium on John Philoponus organised by Tommaso De Robertis and John Magee. You can attend in person or by Zoom: please use this link to find out more and […]
"Hupolêpsis and Hormê: The Stoic Theory of Motivation."
"Augustine on Pulling the Trigger." ABSTRACT. The main philosophical puzzle in Confessions 8 is how someone can want to do something but nevertheless fail to do it. This is, I […]
Program Thursday, 6 March 2.00-3.15 Mary-Louise Gill (Brown): Craft and Causation in Aristotle’s Theory of Soul Response by Rareş I. Marinescu (Toronto) 3.15-4.30 Caleb Cohoe (Denver): An Internal Light, Not […]
"Conception and Assent in Post-Classical Arabic Philosophy."
Topic tba.
title tbc
topic tba
Friday, 11 April 9:30-9:40: Welcome, Acknowledgements & Introduction Session 1 | Chair: Myrthe Bartels 9:40-11:00 Tae-Yeoun Keum (UC Santa Barbara): “Plato the Taboo-Breaker: Mythological Incest and Cannibalism in the Republic and […]
Aristotle’s Parva Naturalia FRIDAY, APRIL 25 Session I (2:15 – 3:45pm) Chair: Christian Pfeiffer (Toronto) Klaus Corcilius (Tübingen) “The Soul Itself vs. Common to Body and Soul” Commentator: Brad Inwood […]
The third annual Toronto-Torino reading week will be hosted at the British School at Athens, timed to coincide with the Michael Frede Lecture, which this year will be given by […]