WiP Talk: Samuel Meister – TBA
Samuel Meister gives his work-in-progress talk, “What Does Metaphysics Z Contribute to Aristotle's First Philosophy?”, to the CSAMP Proseminar on February 28, 4-6 pm.
Samuel Meister gives his work-in-progress talk, “What Does Metaphysics Z Contribute to Aristotle's First Philosophy?”, to the CSAMP Proseminar on February 28, 4-6 pm.
The next Annual Toronto Workshop in Ancient Philosophy will take place on March 18-19, 2022. If, during the conference, you need help with Zoom, etc., please contact Rachel O’Keefe: rachel.mackinnon@mail.utoronto.ca. She will be monitoring Zoom, and the Zoom room belongs to her. ATWAP 2022 Receiving Plato: Then and Now A Conference in Honour of […]
Prof. Federico Petrucci (Turin University) will be leading a masterclass on Plato’s Phaedrus, primarily intended for CSAMP graduate students, on Tuesday, March 22, 4-6 p.m. in LI 205. All CSAMP graduates and postdocs are welcome / encouraged to take part (others by request to george.boys.stones@utoronto.ca). The class will focus on close reading of 237a-241d (Socrates’ […]
Join Christian Pfeiffer and Samuel Meister for this online workshop on first philosophy in ZH. To register, please email Christian Pfeiffer. In this workshop, we want ask to what extent ZH is a metaphysical treatise. On the one hand, metaphysics studies fundamental beings, substance, and the task of ZH is defining substance and seeking its […]
June 20, 1-6 pm Byron Stoyles (Trent): Ways of life, animal kinds, and explanation in Aristotle’s biology Devin Henry (Western): Natural kinds, taxonomic relations and classificatory systems June 21, 10-3 pm Discussion facilitator: Mark Johnstone (McMaster) Nathanael Stein (FSU): Introduction to the issues: causality and causal explanation Jacob Dvorak (Toronto): Aristotle’s critiques of his predecessors […]
Free Will and Philosophy of Action in the Later Middle Ages Download Proseminar calendar for Fall 2022
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 Session I (4:30 – 6:30) Chair: Giorgio Pini (Fordham University) José Filipe Silva (University of Helsinki): “Perceptual Rationality” Commentator: Robert Pasnau (University of Colorado, Boulder) SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 Session II (10:00 – 12:00) Chair: Riccardo Strobino (Tufts University) Meryem Sebti (CNRS, Paris): “Why does Avicenna use the concept of fitra in his […]
Peter Adamson will be giving a talk at the CSAMP Proseminar on September 26: “Why Teach Alcibiades? Iamblichus and Proclus on Pointless Providence”. Please note the change of room! We will be in LI 220 - same floor, but around the corner from the usual Proseminar room (LI 205).
Peter Adamson (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich) is giving this year's Etienne Gilson Lecture at PIMS: Avicennan Scholasticism It is a familiar fact that philosophy of the Islamic world had an enormous impact on philosophy in Latin Christendom, especially on the scholastic tradition represented by such figures as Aquinas, Scotus, and Ockham. Less familiar is the fact that, […]
Work-in progress paper: ‘Plato on the Circulatory System, the Cosmos, and Elemental Motion’ Download Proseminar calendar for Fall 2022
Fiona Leigh will be in Toronto as a Visitor in the Department of Philosophy and at CSAMP. Dr Leigh is Associate Professor at University College London, and Director of the Keeling Centre for Ancient Philosophy.
Dr Fiona Leigh (University College London) will give a talk on "Theory Building in the Sophist" in the Philosophy Department seminar series.
Fiona Leigh will be giving a talk at the CSMAP proseminar on "Mimesis, Art, and the Metaphysics of Appearances in Republic X".
The Presocratics. Download Proseminar calendar for Fall 2022
Aristotle's biology. Download Proseminar calendar for Fall 2022
"Impossible! Avicenna on reductio Proofs and the Nature of Conditionals" Download Proseminar calendar for Fall 2022
Come and hear Dr Agnes Callard, Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Chicago, lecture on "The City of Idiots" for the 2022 UNESCO World Philosophy Day!
On Francisco Suárez. Download Proseminar calendar for Fall 2022
Why a workshop on "Philosophy in the Roman Mediterranean"? Why "Towards a History"? Download Proseminar calendar for Fall 2022
A workshop on the historiography of Roman-era philosophical activity will be held in the Philosophy Department. Participants include Andreas Bendlin, René Brouwer, Leo Catana, Madalina Dana, Bjorn Ewald, Nathan Gilbert, Matthias Haake, Myrto Hatzimichali, and Reviel Netz. Click here for more details. This workshop is the first step in a larger project co-organized by Matthias […]
Prof. John Magee is presenting on The First Philosophical Impulses in the Medieval West" online to the Practices of Commentary Group. Please contact Prof. Walid Saleh (walid.saleh@utoronto.ca) if you would like a link to join. Materials are attached below. Abstract: The texts comprising the “Old Logic” – Porphyry’s Isagoge and Aristotle’s Categories and De interpretatione […]
Reza Hadisi‘s talk, which kicks off our Proseminar programme for the new semester, will focus on Suhrawardī (1154–1191) and his view on the epistemic function of imagination. Please note the default location for Proseminar events in the Winter – LI301 in CMS (one floor up from Classics).
Sosseh Assaturian (UTM) will speak to the question: "What are Stoic Cases?"
Note: This presentation is part of a series on Aristotle's Organon in preparation for this year's ATWAP conference in March.
"Logic as an Oragnon" - a talk by CSAMP student Ismael Kettani about discussions of the instrumental status of logic in the Aristotelian commentators.
We are delighted to welcome Christof Rapp to the Promseminar from the LMU in Munich. Prof. Rapp will be in Toronto as Distinguished Visiting Scholar at UTSC. He will be speaking "On Turning Rhetoric Into an Art. About the General Orientation and Purpose of Aristotle’s Art of Rhetoric". Abstract: In Art of Rhetoric, Aristotle has […]
Christof Rapp will be giving a talk as the first UTSC Distinguished Lecturer in Ancient Philosophy: “I’ve Got the Flow”: The Positive Psychology of Ancient Philosophers.