PhD success!

by George Boys-Stones .

Congratulations to Dr Francesco Pica who this month successfully defended his PhD thesis: “John Duns Scotus on Cognitive Acts: Their Causes, Ontological Nature, and Intentional Character.” Congratulations to his supervisor, Martin Pickavé, as well!

Reading Groups in Fall 2022

by George Boys-Stones .

There will be two reading groups meeting this Fall – all welcome (but please let the organisers know that you are interested):

(1) (Greek) Aristotle, Metaphysics α (1), meeting on Mondays from 12.30 to 2 p.m. beginning October 3. Organiser:

(2) (Latin) Godfrey of Fontaines, Quodlibet XV, q. 4: ‘Utrum dicere quod non potest esse meritum nisi idem et secundum idem primo et per se et immediate moveat seipsum vel reducat se in actum, sit erroneum’, meeting Tuesdays, 3:15-5:00pm from September 27 to November 29. Organiser:

Roberto Granieri recognised by IPS

by George Boys-Stones .

Roberto won a special mention from the International Plato Society Committee for the Conrado Eggers Lan Prize, for the excellence of his Toronto PhD dissertation, Being as a Kind in Plato’s Sophist. Congratulations, Roberto!

Torino-Toronto Alliance

by George Boys-Stones .

We are very excited to announce the formation of the Torino-Toronto Ancient Philosophy Alliance, supported by an Internationalization grant from Turin. This will provide opportunities for student and faculty exchange visits through 2023, and we are planning to hold a joint residential reading group in Athens (details tbc). Find out more about our Turin partners on their Facebook site.



New Postdoctoral Fellows

by George Boys-Stones .

We are delighted to welcome to Toronto Sosseh Assaturian, who holds a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship at UTM; and Thomas Slabon who is back with us for three years as Postdoctoral Fellow at St Michael’s College. Also Joseph Gerbasi who recently completed his PhD here and is staying with us as a one-year Postdoctoral Fellow funded by CSAMP.